Glenn and Mary Albright
Kathy Albritton
In honor of Jack and Hamilton Pezold and Charlotte and Gaines Sheldon
Heather Alday-Byll
Jason and Brandi Allday
Darius and Ashley Alexander
Ann Allen
Eunice Alvarado
In honor of Jude and Luke Alvarado
Michael and Stephanie Ames
Susan Amiss
Lee and Janet Anderson
Robert Andrews
Delores F. Baldwin
Wayne and Shelia Barefield
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bass
Chris and Shirley Beck
Claire D. Bedingfield
In memory of Bob Bedingfield
Debra L. Bell
In honor of Parker Pugh
Jack and Rebecca Bingham
In honor of Carsyn Bingham
Janell Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Blankenship
Keith and Kim Boatner
Nicholas and Porsha Bowers
Kirven Boyce
Stacey Boyd
In honor of Mrs. Feeney
Tommy and Karen Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Brannan
In honor of Mrs. Ellington and Mrs. Farmer
Jeff and Lisa Brown
In honor of 8th Grade Teachers
Mike and Kathy Browning
Scott and Alice Bryan
In honor of Mary Mac and Griff Bryan
Kevin and Lunday Buffington
Randy and Deborah Buffington
In honor of Eva Buffington
Brandy Burditt
In honor of the best TA, Holly Walker
Jason and Tabitha Cail
In honor of Ethan Cail
Caleb and Anna Camp
Daniel and Kendra Cannon
James and Jean Carlson
In honor of Hunter, Brayden, and Lilah Carlson
Michele Carswell
Julie Cattin
George and Tiffany Chacon
Laura Champion
In honor of Max and Lucy Champion
Elliott J. Coleman IV
In honor of Elizabeth and Millie Coleman
Jerry and Allison Coleman
Joseph and Taylor Colwell
Nicklous and Mariel Combs
Mike and Veronica Corradino
In honor of Laney and Bobby Flournoy
Stan and Gail Cope
In honor of Hampton and Whit Cope
George and LeAnn Copelan
Labrita King Copeland
Sally C. Cottingham
In honor of the Peaks, my four wonderful grandchildren
Adam and Tabitha Coursey
Glenn and Ann Crawford
In honor of Tate Real and Madison Lowry
Ashley and Jennifer Crosby
In honor of Kason and Greyson Crosby
Al and Robin Crossman
In honor of Cooper and Cara Crossman
Ryan and Jamie Crossman
Charles and Linda Crow
Kimberly Cunningham
Gay Dickinson
Jay and Margaret Dickinson
Tony and Lauren Dimitri
Aaron and Faith Dow
In honor of SLS Teachers
Martin and Jessica Drake
Benjamin and Kimberly Durham
In honor of Pip Durham
Gail Dykes
Ayshle and Paula Earl
Monica Edmonds
Valerie and Whitner Edmonds
Barbara Edwards
In honor of Amelia Ramey
Ryan and Tasha Edwards
Michael and Danielle Ernst
The Feeney Family
Justin and Kelli Fields
Jasmina and Lucas Fitchett
In memory of Jennifer Galentine
Marian P. Fletcher
In honor of James Mitchell
William and Emily Flournoy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O. Foster
Robert and Soyong Francis
Angel Franklin
Bill and Constance Franklin
In honor of CJ Ball
Jason and Jenna Frost
Marc and Haley Galvin
Tim and Carol A. Gallagher
In honor of Kaiden and Kendall Webb
Lisa and Ward Garrett
In honor of Pat and Tim Thompson
Robert Giuliano
In honor of Elizabeth, Henry, and Reid Adams
Larry and Heather Glasscock
Larry and Nancy Gohmert
In honor of Kayden and Jane Hutchison
Chris and Rachel Gordy
Shane and Brooke Green
Tres and Hillary Green
In honor of Capps Green
Dayna Greer
Jesse and Gloria Griffin
Matthew and Andrea Harris
Alexis Hatala
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hayes Jr.
Robert and Michelle Heller
In honor of Addison Heller
Tonya Herring
In honor of Maddie and Davis Holcomb
Capp and Brandi Hett
Richard and Alexandra Hill
Wesley and Hollie Hill
Trey and Vicki Hodges
In honor of Hadley Murray
Patrick Howard
David Humphreys
Jeffrey Hurst
Angela Hutchens
Marsha Ikle
Felicia Irvin
Richard and Brenda Ito
Jason and Ashley Jay
John and Angela Jenkins
Tom and Jane Jenkins
In honor of Caroline, Wyley, and Mary Margaret Keller
Deuk Hee Jones
Thomas and Tonya Jones
Karen Kelley
In honor of Thomas Oliver
Denise Killough
In honor of St. Luke School Faculty and Staff
Daniel and Dorothy Kirkland
Catherine Kite
Mrs. Sherry Lawrence
In honor of Julianna and Sonny Lawrence
Robert and Stephanie Lenz
Tracie Loftin
In honor of Rima Loftin
Van Thuy Luong
In honor of Nhi Cao
Casey and Jennifer Lynch
Rev. and Mrs. Brett C. Maddocks
In honor of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Beckum (Mary Pat)
Chris and Brittany Masters
Bert and Mardi Maxwell
Bobby and Jude McCarley
Robert D. McCollum
In honor of Riley Walsh
Jessica McCullars
In honor of Peyton McCullars
Charlie and Carson McDaniel
In honor of Charles McDaniel
Kelly Medina
Tom and Katlyn Miles
In honor of Miller Miles
Zackary and Kirsten Miller
Justin Milligan
Kevin and Charlotte Mills
In honor of Benjamin Mills
Bobby and Amanda Milner
Sagar and Dhara Mody
Marcus Monroe
Patsy Morris
William and Hope Murray
Keith and Jan Myers
Tony Nguyen
Thomas and Kess Ogden
Connie O’Hern
Robert and Graehm Oliver
Juan Orozco
Kent and Lois M. Osborn
In honor of Ava Osborn
Allyson Ozier
Diane Padgett
Kim Padgett
In honor of Chandler and Delaney Padgett
The Page Family
Jose and Kelli Parker
Mickey and Amanda Patel
Rick and Janie Peak
In honor of Caroline, Charlie, Anna Grace, and Sally Peak
Matt and Ganey Pearson
John and Anne Peebles
Howard and Jeanella Pendleton
In honor of Zaki and Zion Shahid
Bob and Ann Persons
In honor of Addison Martin and Gracelyn Ann Persons
John and Grace Phillips
Jason and Mary Rebecca Powell
Kenneth and Judy Powell
Rett and Leigh Powell
Calvin and Starlette Pugh
In honor of Parker Divine Pugh
Carlita Ramey
John and Shannon Reynolds
Patsy Rice
Marcel and Lindsey Richard
Jared and Robyn Ridley
Pedro and Mildred Rodriguez
James and Hailey Robbins
Matt and Sabrina Robertson
Tracy and Teri Rogers
In honor of Connor and Reece Rogers
Isabella Rossi
Willette Roundtree
Justin and Brandy Royer
Chad and Kristy Sasser
Charles and Tate Sasser
In honor of Addie and Kristal Renner
Jack and Becky Sauers
Judd and Kelly Schramm
Ben and Kitty Sears
Alex Shalishali
Ryan and Amy Sheffield
Weston and Lindsey Sheldon
In honor of Charlotte and Gaines Sheldon
Thomas and Ruthie Shemwell
Dennis and Candice Short
Valeria Silva
In honor of Helena Silva
Ernie and Shannon Smallman
Judge and Mrs. Art Smith
In honor of William Brannan and Emily Brannan, 1st grade teacher
Wayne and Sylvia Smith
Shane and Hope Snead
Christina Stavitski
Rachel Straus
Liz Taber
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Taylor
Jackie D. Thomas Jr.
In honor of Riley and Parker Thomas
Crystal Trawick
Jordan and Amy Truman
Christine Tyus
In honor of Addison and Gracie Persons
Michael and Whitney Urquhart
In honor of Brooks Urquhart
Sue Vaughan
In honor of Ann McDuffie
Stewart and Amy Veale
William Veale we are so proud of you!
Joe Veale
Nancy Waldrep
In honor of Rollins Sheffield
James and Linda Walls
Wayde and Suzanne Washburn
In honor of Peyton McCullars
Leigh Wege
In honor of Nolan Mckinney
Laurie Wells
David and Shirley Whitman
Dr.’s Ron and Tujuana Wiggins
Steve and Sharon Wiley
In honor of Forest and Chandler Wiley
Joe and Cathy Wilkins
Jacob and Melissa Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Woodard
In honor of Ben Royer
Paul and Peggy Wuestney
Ryan and Amy Wylie