Miranda Affleck
Ashley Alexander
Roopa Bangalore
Andrew and Jordan Baxley
Leo and Stacie Berard
Alex Berlin
Fran Berlin
Dacia and Asa Bingham
Ester Bliss
Kirven Boyce
In Honor of St. Luke School Staff and Students
Emily and Joseph Brannan
Chad and Jennifer Bray
Kim Browning
Clark and Brady Bryan
Lisa Calhoun
Kendra Cannon
Andrew Carluccio
James Catlin
Jackie Cecalupo
Kyle and Christa Cicora
Bryan and Kayleigh Clark
Whitney Clayton
Joyce Coady
Joanne Cogle
Ann Colvard
LeAnn and George Copelan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corradino
Kristi and David Culver
Kimberly Cunningham
Mr. Greg Davis
Lyndsey Deano
Ron and Cathy DiQuattro
Andrew and Amber Dodgen
Erica Edenfield
Shacovah Edmonds
Barbara Edwards
Ray and Amber Estes
Kimetha Eysel
Jamie Farmer
Brandon and Latoya Foreman
Heather Forrest
Aaron Gierhart
Brittnee Gray
Heather and De’Shane Greaser
Cindy Hall
David Helmick
Mathew and Melinda Hepinstall
Capp and Brandi Hett
Olivia Hight
Alexandra Hill
Wilson and Kaci Holland
In Honor of Wilson, Woodruff, Walter, and Helen Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins
Diana Hopper
Cathy Horne
In Honor of Lillie Coleman
Matthew and Jenna Horne
Stacy Ireland
Felicia Irvin
Jan Kennedy
Daniel and Dorothy Kirkland
Kimberly and David Klaus
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Koon
Vanessa Laguna
Heaven and Zachary Lemley
Stephanie Lenz
Mrs. Sandra LeRoy
Jenna Lowery
Van Luong
Jamie and Elicia Maholick
Diane Mannion
Teresa and Thomas Markham
Brittiney Marquez
Jennifer Mays
Kelley McElroy
Sarah Meyer von Bremen
Brad and Taylor Miles
Lauran Milligan
Charlotte Mills
Clayton Mims
Cyle and Claire Mims
Jonah and Maddison Montgomery
Cheryl Murray
Nikki Nguyen
Sheena Odom
Thomas and Kess Ogden
Brianna O’Hern
Linda Owens
Brian and Leigh Page
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Palmer
Sallie Paris
Brooke Peak
In Honor of Damini Willis
Charlene Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. John Peebles
Anthony and Angela Pierce
Jessica Porter
Jennifer Ragan
Erin Reasonover
Lauren Redden
Cedric and Nashon Richardson
Libbie Rochschild
Sunshine Sandefur
Seth and Chelsey Sawyer
Abby Shook
Cicero Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Silver
Tiffany Sirigrano-Banks
Brittney Siter
Mrs. Tonya Smith
Brittany Stehn
Danielle Stinson
Rachel and Richard Straus
Sara Strozier
Brittany Thompson
Michael Urquhart
Renee Vaughan
Gusty and Holly Walker
Hannah Warden
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Watkins
Allen Webb
Kelly Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Wells
Jaime Wells-Quick
Stacy Wetherell
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wilkinson
Amiee Wall Wilson
In Memory of Ashton Jane
Stephanie Woods
James Woolbright
Brittany Yates
Cynthia Zimla